Shika Shik Arr
Mr Rou Reynolds the St Albans reprobate and famed lemonade drinker has dipped one of Sam Duckworth's new tunes into the shikariwash and come up with this.
Wait a minute....that's not lemonade.
Sam's back. And some.
So it got me thinking I should run my fat thumb over Get Cape's eponymous new long player. And you know what, it's a fab effort. Here's a bit I scribbled on Scuzz:
Playing an E Minor 7th is going to be difficult with no left arm...
Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly.
Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly.
Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly.
Released 13/09/2010 ****
You know that white, plain, but ultimately fabulous M&S underwear? Yes you do. Not unexpected. Not challenging. But once the kit's off, phwooooar. Well, young Sam has eschewed his recent dalliances with outré reds, silks, nipple holes, painful basques and the rest of the unneeded and, frankly unwanted fripperies to produce a straightforward, sexy and ultimately juice-draining long player. It's comforting, with huge, obvious nods to Nick Drake, John Martyn and their modern pretenders. Clean, unfussy, but fulfilling guitar work, tidy, tight production, thought-provoking and often sublime lyrics delivered in (thankfully) a choked-back mode compared to the mockney/Bragg/West Coast torture of the last effort ( albeit still a grand album). He delivers us tunes by the bargain bucketload. Catchy, sassy, memorable, harmonic. Without being too challenging or frightening. In short, there's nothing too new here, but who cares? Like the M&S plain white, reasonably high-cut knickers on a fabulous derriere. Who would, or could, say no?
Until next time, Bwoooar indeed.
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